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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Healthy Homemade STRAWBERRY Freezer Jam

Could there really be such a thing as HEALTHY Strawberry Jam?  

I have been making homemade strawberry jam every year since I was... well... gotta be well over 35 years.
I've tried just about every trick I could think of to get good quality jam without all the sugar and corn syrup.
This year it finally happened.  I went to the grocery to buy the pectin that I buy every year but this store didn't sell it.  I had 16 cartons of strawberries to put up and I didn't want to drive around town, so I bought the 'other' brand.  I didn't read the directions because I had made jam so many times before I knew just how to do it.
Later after reading the directions, I discovered I had done everything wrong from step 1 to the end.
BUT! a marvelous miracle happened.  This years jam is by far and I mean by a very long ways, the best jam I have ever made and it is HEALTHY!
I wanted to blog right away because this is strawberry season and I want you all to have the chance to make HEALTHY strawberry jam that is 'guilt-free' to die for jam!

3 Ingredients:  Strawberries 
Sure-Jell (the all new favorite) 
Powered Xylitol.  

What is Xylitol?
* Good Taste with No Unpleasant Aftertaste
* Equal Sweetness and Bulk to Sugar
* Helps Reduce the Development of Dental Caries
* Reduces Plaque Formation
* Increases Salivary Flow to Aid in the Repair of Damaged Tooth Enamel
* Provides One-Third Fewer Calories than Sugar – about 2.4 Calories per Gram
* May Be Useful as an Alternative to Sugar for People with Diabetes 
* Has a LOW score of 8 on the Glycemic Index

STEP 1 - Prepare 4 cups strawberries the way you like your jam, mashed or blended (we prefer blended)
Step 2 - Slowly stir in 1 box of SURE-JELL until well blended then let it sit for 10 minutes
Step 3 - Slowly stir in 3 cups powdered Xylitol.  Make certain the lumps are out of the xylitol before stirring in.  
Step 4 - Put into freezer containers and freeze... but leave one out because it is sooooo good, it will go fast.  

Here are sources for POWDERED XYLITOL: 
3 - Zappgum
4 - Amazon
Locally you can purchase Xylitol from Fred Meyers and Posergy.  But I am uncertain if either have powdered Xylitol. Xylitol is more money than sugar, but it removes the curse of Type II diabetes from eating too much jam!  Go in with other health minded friends and buy in bulk.  You will save money that way.  

I do hope you try this simple recipe.  Sooooo delicious on Whole Grain toasted bread! 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Fruit & Veggie Wash

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), an estimated 48 million illnesses and 3,000 deaths occur each year as a result of eating contaminated food.
This may be from undercooked meat, not keeping foods properly stored, or from produce.
The USDA says food contamination can occur in produce just from food handlers with poor hygiene who come in contact with the food.
Last June, there was an outbreak of E. coli linked to contaminated vegetables that caused at least 22 deaths and left hundreds others sick.
Just today(June 2012) on the news they announced another new strain of E.coli outbreak in the USA.  It has already killed a 21 month old little girl. 
Don’t think you’re the lucky one that will never get sick from bacterial infested foods!  Be extra cautious!

The possibility of eating contaminated produce is a concern that is very real. This is why it is very important to properly wash and rinse your produce before it is consumed.
Fruit & Veggie Wash
1 c water
1/4 c white vinegar
Combine in clean spray bottle.   You can also multiply this for a big soaking batch. 
This lasts much longer than when fresh lemon juice is used.  You can use any brand of  UNREFINED HIMALAYAN Salt or PURE, THERAPEUTIC GRADE & UNDILUTED Essential Oil . 
How to Use
1. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with water first.
2. Use a scrub brush to lightly scrub produce after rinsing.
Make certain to pay special attention to the stem and blossom area as bacteria can be hidden there.
3. Apply homemade fruit and vegetable wash, let sit for 30 seconds and then rinse.
4. You can dry the produce before eating or preparing to cook.

A Couple Tips on How to Buy "Cleaner" Produce
1. Buy Local Produce
Buying produce that is local means it doesn't have to pass through several hands or travel 1,000 of miles to get to you, so chances are it will be better, and likely safer, for you and your family.
2. Choose Organic Produce
Organic crops cannot be grown with synthetic pesticides or certain fertilizers; therefore, there are fewer risks when you choose organic, BUT washing is still necessary as many hands are handling this produce.  

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gives these tips to help protect against contamination in produce:
1. Wash your hands 20 seconds with warm water and soap before and after preparing fresh produce
2. Cut away any damaged or bruised areas
3. Gently rub produce while holding it under plain running water
4. Wash produce before you peel it
5. Use a clean vegetable brush to scrub firm produce
6. Dry produce with a clean cloth or paper towel
7. Throw away the outermost leaves of a head of lettuce or cabbage