7 Days to Health

It only takes 7 DAYS to notice a difference when you are make changes in your diet, your routine, & your stress level. 7 DAYS!

Wanna be healthier? Follow this blog and you'll learn easy steps and important information to guide you there.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Baked Avocado Egg

Avocado, cut in half and pit removed
1 egg per avocado half
Himalayan Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste or Posergy Seasonings
herbs for garnish (optional): basil, chives, dill
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Scoop enough avocado out to make room for one egg. I just ate that right away. I also made my
first hole too small and had a little egg-white overflow. This made me realize that lining the baking
pan with foil is a good idea! One large egg is about 1/4 cup, by the way.
3. Crack the egg into the avocado and place on a baking sheet or pan (that you have lined with foil or
greased for easy cleanup if you spill).
4. Bake for about 20 minutes or until the egg is cooked to the degree of your liking. Check a bit early
and watch carefully the last few minutes.
5. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and herbs of choice.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Start Eating Chia Seeds!

Chia Seeds
1 - Help weight loss. Chia seeds are popular for weight loss. They reduce food cravings by preventing some of the food that you eat from getting absorbed into your system. This blockage of calorie absorption makes them a great diet helper.

2 - Feel fuller faster: They can also help your diet by making you feel full. This is because they absorb 10 times their weight in water, forming a bulky gel.

3 - Hydration for athletes: They are also great for athletes because the "chia gel" can hydrate the body.

4 - Reduce your blood pressure: There's evidence to suggest they can reduce blood pressure.

5 - Omega-3: They are the richest plant source of Omega-3 (the vital fats that protect against inflammation—such as arthritis—and heart disease). In fact, they contain more Omega-3 than salmon!

6 - Benefits for diabetes: Because chia seeds slow down how fast our bodies convert carbohydrates into simple sugars, studies indicate they can control blood sugar. This leads scientists to believe chia seeds may have great benefits for diabetics.

7 - They are easier to digest than flax seeds, and don't need to be ground up.

8 - Add to any smoothie, yogurt, stir fry, cereal, meat, cottage cheese, lemonade, even ice cream etc...  Add them to cookie recipes, soups, etc...  

There is little to no flavor, just a little crunch!  
1 tsp. will go a long way!  Enjoy the benefits of Chia Seeds

Friday, August 24, 2012

How to Live an Alkaline Diet

Living an Alkaline Diet in 5 Easy Steps!
1. Hydration  
80-90% of people are chronically dehydrated and this is having a massive impact on their quality of life. It amazes me when people say that they don’t really drink water! How do they get through the day?  Some of my clients admit to only drinking soda, coffee, tea or milk.  NO WATER! No wonder they are coming to see me!
Getting properly hydrated will make a huge difference to your health, energy, vitality and immunity. Everything is influenced by the quantity and quality of the water you drink.
Hydration Action Steps
- Drink 6-18 cups of water each day. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces.
- Drink lemon water: 2 cups of lukewarm, filtered water with freshly-squeezed juice from a quarter of a  lemon first thing every morning. It helps cleanse the digestive system, ignite your metabolism and buffer excess acids. Despite the lemons being acidic in their natural form, lemon water is alkaline-forming to the body once consumed.
- Enjoy organic herbal teas such as Rooibos, peppermint and nettle. (My personal favorite is Rooibos Chai.  Yum yum!!!)
2. Greens & More Greens!  
The alkaline diet is about alkaline foods. There is conflicting information on the Internet about which foods are alkaline and which are acid-forming. This simple rule covers most foods:
Alkaline foods are those you already know are good for you: fresh vegetables, salads, leafy greens, low-sugar fruits, nuts, seeds and healthy oils; unrefined, organic, high-water-content foods.
Acidic foods are those you already know are bad for you: refined foods, fast foods, trans-fats, meat, dairy, sugar, caffeine, white bread, white pasta and rice, condiments, alcohol, chocolate, chips, ice cream and pizza.
Aim for a ratio of 80/20: Consume 80 percent alkaline foods to 20 percent acidic foods.
3. Start Slow! 
If you hit this diet head on, you may get discouraged and could even quit. The alkaline diet is not restrictive or difficult and is really simple, once you’ve gotten used to it. People who try to be perfect from day one miss the chance to learn, experiment and find meals that work for them and their family. They end up feeling hungry, fed up and restricted.
It is far better to transition and get there slowly, by sticking to it for the long-term rather than being perfect for a day or two and then crashing.
4. Oxygen  
By doing a simple breathing exercise once or twice per day you give your body a huge helping hand in removing these acids. Plus it allows you to stop, focus your mind, visualize and relax, which is also nicely alkalizing.
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and follow this simple breathing pattern:
- Breathe in for the count of 2.
- Hold for a count of 8.
- Breathe out for a count of 4.
- Repeat 10 times.
5. Supplements  
This is one of the most overwhelming and confusing parts of the alkaline diet for most beginners. There are so many supplements out there, all promising different things and all claiming they are better than the others.
Here are the core supplements I recommend:

Enzymes: They are the ONLY workers in the body.  No matter what we eat or drink, it takes enzymes to utilize it.  Enzymes away from food go to work breaking down fats and proteins that have been stored or are causing havoc. 

Green powder: This is a combination of powdered grasses, fruits, vegetables and sprouts with a focus on wheatgrass or barley grass. 
My favorite is Apex Nourish Green because it contains more of the vegetable greens and 5 grams of protein.
Lemon ORGANIC Essential Oil

Alkaline water: You can make alkaline water in a number of ways including using a water ionizer, pH drops, or adding freshly squeezed lemon or lemon essential oil.

Alkaline minerals: The primary way that your body buffers acids is through the alkaline minerals: sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium.
EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) : They are called ESSENTIAL for a reason!  Yep!  They are essential to your existence.  Taking an omega 3 supplement or an omega oil, using coconut, eating avocados, etc… are great ways to get your EFAs.

Protein: I personally aim for around 1 gram for every 2 lbs. of body weight, but certainly that is nowhere near the heights of some trainers who propose you should have at least 1-2g’s per kg of body weight. I suggest you find your own level that you are happy with, within this range (of 20-100g) and then consider where you will get your protein from. A great fear about alkaline diets is that you won’t get enough protein.  Make sure your protein comes from a good source!  Organic, Fresh Chicken, some Fish and egg are good animal sources of protein and are less acid than other meats. Other great sources of protein are HEMP or PEA powder.  Also consider: – tofu – soy – nuts – seeds – pulses – green leafy vegetables

The alkaline diet is simple when taken slowly, when you aim for 80/20 rather than perfection and when you still allow yourself treats and fun. Take it easy, have a sense of humor with it and enjoy it.
Keep it simple and if you mess up, don’t beat yourself up! Go for a walk, refocus and just start again! The rest of your life is a long and interesting journey, so enjoy it with the health, energy and vitality that the alkaline lifestyle brings!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Healthy Homemade STRAWBERRY Freezer Jam

Could there really be such a thing as HEALTHY Strawberry Jam?  

I have been making homemade strawberry jam every year since I was... well... gotta be well over 35 years.
I've tried just about every trick I could think of to get good quality jam without all the sugar and corn syrup.
This year it finally happened.  I went to the grocery to buy the pectin that I buy every year but this store didn't sell it.  I had 16 cartons of strawberries to put up and I didn't want to drive around town, so I bought the 'other' brand.  I didn't read the directions because I had made jam so many times before I knew just how to do it.
Later after reading the directions, I discovered I had done everything wrong from step 1 to the end.
BUT! a marvelous miracle happened.  This years jam is by far and I mean by a very long ways, the best jam I have ever made and it is HEALTHY!
I wanted to blog right away because this is strawberry season and I want you all to have the chance to make HEALTHY strawberry jam that is 'guilt-free' to die for jam!

3 Ingredients:  Strawberries 
Sure-Jell (the all new favorite) 
Powered Xylitol.  

What is Xylitol?
* Good Taste with No Unpleasant Aftertaste
* Equal Sweetness and Bulk to Sugar
* Helps Reduce the Development of Dental Caries
* Reduces Plaque Formation
* Increases Salivary Flow to Aid in the Repair of Damaged Tooth Enamel
* Provides One-Third Fewer Calories than Sugar – about 2.4 Calories per Gram
* May Be Useful as an Alternative to Sugar for People with Diabetes 
* Has a LOW score of 8 on the Glycemic Index

STEP 1 - Prepare 4 cups strawberries the way you like your jam, mashed or blended (we prefer blended)
Step 2 - Slowly stir in 1 box of SURE-JELL until well blended then let it sit for 10 minutes
Step 3 - Slowly stir in 3 cups powdered Xylitol.  Make certain the lumps are out of the xylitol before stirring in.  
Step 4 - Put into freezer containers and freeze... but leave one out because it is sooooo good, it will go fast.  

Here are sources for POWDERED XYLITOL: 
3 - Zappgum
4 - Amazon
Locally you can purchase Xylitol from Fred Meyers and Posergy.  But I am uncertain if either have powdered Xylitol. Xylitol is more money than sugar, but it removes the curse of Type II diabetes from eating too much jam!  Go in with other health minded friends and buy in bulk.  You will save money that way.  

I do hope you try this simple recipe.  Sooooo delicious on Whole Grain toasted bread! 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Fruit & Veggie Wash

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), an estimated 48 million illnesses and 3,000 deaths occur each year as a result of eating contaminated food.
This may be from undercooked meat, not keeping foods properly stored, or from produce.
The USDA says food contamination can occur in produce just from food handlers with poor hygiene who come in contact with the food.
Last June, there was an outbreak of E. coli linked to contaminated vegetables that caused at least 22 deaths and left hundreds others sick.
Just today(June 2012) on the news they announced another new strain of E.coli outbreak in the USA.  It has already killed a 21 month old little girl. 
Don’t think you’re the lucky one that will never get sick from bacterial infested foods!  Be extra cautious!

The possibility of eating contaminated produce is a concern that is very real. This is why it is very important to properly wash and rinse your produce before it is consumed.
Fruit & Veggie Wash
1 c water
1/4 c white vinegar
Combine in clean spray bottle.   You can also multiply this for a big soaking batch. 
This lasts much longer than when fresh lemon juice is used.  You can use any brand of  UNREFINED HIMALAYAN Salt or PURE, THERAPEUTIC GRADE & UNDILUTED Essential Oil . 
How to Use
1. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with water first.
2. Use a scrub brush to lightly scrub produce after rinsing.
Make certain to pay special attention to the stem and blossom area as bacteria can be hidden there.
3. Apply homemade fruit and vegetable wash, let sit for 30 seconds and then rinse.
4. You can dry the produce before eating or preparing to cook.

A Couple Tips on How to Buy "Cleaner" Produce
1. Buy Local Produce
Buying produce that is local means it doesn't have to pass through several hands or travel 1,000 of miles to get to you, so chances are it will be better, and likely safer, for you and your family.
2. Choose Organic Produce
Organic crops cannot be grown with synthetic pesticides or certain fertilizers; therefore, there are fewer risks when you choose organic, BUT washing is still necessary as many hands are handling this produce.  

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gives these tips to help protect against contamination in produce:
1. Wash your hands 20 seconds with warm water and soap before and after preparing fresh produce
2. Cut away any damaged or bruised areas
3. Gently rub produce while holding it under plain running water
4. Wash produce before you peel it
5. Use a clean vegetable brush to scrub firm produce
6. Dry produce with a clean cloth or paper towel
7. Throw away the outermost leaves of a head of lettuce or cabbage

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

#1 Super Food - CHLORELLA

Chlorella Benefits:

          1. Nutrient-Rich Green Superfood and Detoxifier
Chlorella benefits surpass those of ALL other green superfoods. It is a powerful detoxifier, higher in chlorophyll than any other green food and a nutritional cornucopia.

2.  Protecting Your Body From Environmental Toxins
The fact that this single-celled fresh water algae has survived for over 2.5 BILLION years attests to its adaptability to a long list of conditions very hostile to life.  The boost in health that we receive from eating Chlorella is derived from many of the adaptive mechanisms developed through its very long history.  This single celled algae has thrived despite extreme climate changes, an endless parade of viruses, bacteria and fungi that would attack it, and especially now, toxic metals and many forms of environmental pollution. For example, its ability to quickly repair its own DNA is attributed to compounds that make up what is called 'Chlorella Vulgaris Extract.'  Another example is that to sustain the very high energy (photosynthisis) needed for powerful and fast adaptive responses, Chlorella is THE richest natural source of chlorophyll of all known edible plants. (It contains 5 - 10 times more chlorophyll than any other plant). Highly recommended in mercury detoxification programs, Chlorella benefits include detoxifying all other heavy metals, as well.

3.  Powerful Detoxification AND Immune System Support
Toxin binding: The cell wall of Chlorella is a mucopolysaccharide membrane that binds ALL toxic metals and also many toxic chemicals.  Glutathione (GSH): Chlorella manufactures its own Glutathione to protect itself.  Glutathione is the most important detoxification enzyme for humans. Chlorella benefits us when we eat it, by supplying Glutathione to aid OUR detoxification process.  Glutathione depletion: Liver stores get used up in the process of detoxifying alcohol, drugs, nicotine, environmental toxins, etc. As we get older, we tend to have less Glutathione. In turn, a lack of this free radical fighter leads to accelerated aging Taking Chlorella on a regular basis is one way to maintain healthy levels of Glutathione, helping us stay younger.  Lutein: It was a surprise to learn that Chlorella benefits include a more generous amount of Lutein (also known as Xanthophyll) than any other edible plant! Lutein is the carotenoid most responsible for the health of our eyes.  Sporopollenin: This is a carotenoid compound which is not readily found in plants. In fact only the cell wall of Chorella Pyrenoidosa contains it. Sporopollenin is a powerful accelerator in the process of detoxifying chemicals. Chlorellan: Also hard to find in the plant world. This compound is an antibiotic which will NOT harm probiotics and other beneficial bacteria in our bodies.

4.  Super-Nutrition and Digestive Aid!
 This super green food contains 50 - 60% amino acid content, B6, the easily absorbed methylcobolamin form of B12, minerals, chlorophyll, beta carotene and many other carotenoids, lutein, etc. Chlorella benefits include an abundance of magnesium.  Magnesium deficiency is widespread, especially in the United States. Agricultural soils, especially in developed countries, have become woefully deficient in magnesium.  Even whole foods grown on such soils are low in magnesium. This is because commercial fertilizers typically contain NO magnesium. Many years of growing crops on such soils have been severely depleted of magnesium. This super green food is also a great help in the restoration of healthy bowel flora, and a wonderful bulking agent that improves elimination.

5.      Beware of Inferior Products!
 Not only do inferior products not grown under ideal conditions lack benefits described above; they can also make you sick!  You see, Chlorella's powerful toxin binding capability makes it absorb any impurities from the water it is grown in. If these toxins are strong enough, you may find yourself wishing you never took that brand of Chlorella. This happened to me once when I made the mistake of buying a health store brand! Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, internationally known mercury detox and Lyme disease expert says of Chlorella, 'Be aware that there are huge differences in quality.'

For more information please call or email
MaryAnn Stanger N.D.
208-420-4460      stanger75@gmail.com

Chlorella Safety Rules for You!

Chlorella Safety Rule #1:
DON'T buy any of this green superfood that is claimed to be harvested from 'pristine waters' anywhere in the world!  
 Why..?  Because this edible algae is super absorbent of all manner of toxins, it must be grown in PERFECTLY clean water. This CANNOT be accomplished by harvesting it from ANY natural body of water!!  Sadly, there are no pristine waters on the planet.  Properly grown Chlorella MUST be grown in clean, filtered water that is relentlessly monitored for toxins! It also must be supplied with pure minerals and real sunlight it needs to grow. I just found yet another brand that claims to be grown in clean water - the 'pristine waters' of Hainan Island, China. I won't say what brand, however, here is an article on just how pristine those waters really are: China faces severe water pollution around Hainan island.  Incredibly, this same brand was previous to the nuclear disaster in Japan, claimed to be grown in the 'pristine waters' of Japan's Ishigaki-shi islands.
Chlorella Safety Rule #2:
Never buy what is called 'broken cell wall' Chlorella.
Why..? Broken cell wall Chlorella safety is not assured.  The term 'broken cell wall' indicates the algae has been processed cheaply - basically ground up! This exposes the vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds in the cell to oxidation, moisture (which can begin mold growth) etc.  Cheap Chlorella CAN make you sick because of spoilage, mold toxin accumulation and breakdown of nutrient compounds into undesirable substances.  'Broken cell wall' Chlorella nutrient content is severely compromised, so you are not getting the richness of healthy compounds that you find in the best product.  Chlorella safety: The brand I provide has the tough cell wall cracked by radio waves.  It is like an egg with shell intact but with a network of cracks all over the shell. This allows your digestive juices to get through to the inner part of the Chlorella where all the nutrients are. Because the cell wall protects the inner contents of the cell when creaked with sound waves, the nutrients inside the cell are FRESH!  It is good to be sure Chlorella safety is the top priority of the company from which you buy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lose 7 lbs. in 7 Days! UPDATE

Follow this plan and you will be headed towards a new lifestyle. 
This is an excellent DETOX/WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PLAN that will leave you feeling great and on your way towards health. 
For more information please call or email
MaryAnn Stanger N.D.
208-420-4460      stanger75@gmail.com

An incredible HEALTHY way to loose 7 lbs in 7 days!  But don't stop there.  Keep eating this way and the pounds will continue to fall and the health will continue to increase.  
Ready to start?  K,  here we go.... 
Take Digestive Enzymes with any food you eat -                                                                             and if you are detoxing - take up to 12 chlorella daily.       
 Contact MaryAnn for more information  
Start your day with a Himalayan Salt drink:  1/2 tsp. Himalayan Salt in 1 cup warm water.  Drink between 7 -8 am.

  •   BREAKFAST:  1 boiled egg and                                             1/2 avocado 
  • MID-MORNING SNACK:  1 pink grapefruit
  • LUNCH:  eat 1 chicken breast - around 200 grams
  • AFTERNOON SNACK: apple and other 1/2 of the avocado(if needed)   
  • DINNER:   eat fish!  Around 200 grams,                                     and 1 cup sauerkraut                                                               and/or 3 stalk celery  
  • Alternative to sauerkraut - pepper, small salad w/ vinegar & coconut or olive oil (Braggs w/ Mother), cucumber, brussel sprouts, spinach w/ vinegar, etc...  

  • AFTER DINNER SNACK:  You Bet!  Treat yourself to an orange.  Before 8 pm
DRINK:  1/2 of your weight in ounces of water throughout the day. Ex: You weight 160 lbs. - drink 80 oz. of water.   Drink the water away from the food you eat except for a small amount needed to take your Digestive Enzymes.  If coffee is a must, try to limit the amount to 1 cup or even better substitute with green tea.  No additives to the coffee or tea is allowed if you want super success!

UPDATE!!!! When I created this very healthy way to lose weight, I had no idea just how successful it would be.  People are losing 7 lbs in 7 days and some are losing 7 lbs in 4 days and the weight continues to come off.  Up to 12 lbs in a week.  They say they are NEVER hungry and sometimes don't eat the orange because there is no need.  This meal plan contains all the nutrients you need for health. Just take a digestive enzyme to make certain you are absorbing all the nutrients.  It will make your mind feel less hungry too.    This is NOT a 'hunger-mode diet' that will make you binge afterwards.  You will feel so good on this that you're desire for bad foods will lessen.
Any of the following vegetables can be substituted for the sauerkraut, salad or celery: Broccoli, Spinach, Pepper, Kale. Cauliflower. Brussel Sprouts or Cucumber...  1/2 of an avocado MUST be eaten.  Even better, eat a whole avocado.  If you don't like it, then find a way to disguise.  You can put it in a protein drink in the AM. The protein drink will then take the place of the egg.  You can mix the avocado with a small amount of salsa(sugar free) and put on your egg.
Many are precooking the meat for the week and placing them in the freezer, that way at lunch and dinner the meat is thawed and ready to go.  Don't forget the GUY version below!
Just remember, any deviation may lessen your success.
I'm very excited about the reports of success!  Great Job!!

GUY VERSION:  Add an extra egg.  Eat a whole avocado.  Eat 2 apples. Unlimited steamed or raw vegetables from the list above.


Why stop there?  

Keep eating healthy until you reach your goal.