7 Days to Health

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

SUGAR & the Heart! SCARY!

Just wanted to share a great 13 minute video about our #1 food enemy... SUGAR

This is a great one to have your children of any age to watch!


So, how do we begin to remove toxic sugar from our diets?

  1. We have to recognize that there is a problem. Most people still don’t realize it. To that end we must…..
  2. Become educated on what sweeteners do to us and where they are found. We are programmed to seek out the sweet. We are surrounded by it now and have little defense against it, especially if we don’t know it’s a problem. Consumers are educated about fats and cigarettes. It can be done with sugar.
  3. We have to learn to be consciously aware of what we are eating. We have to READ LABELS! Then we can…
  4. Make better choices. Replace the sweetener with other, better, real foods. So instead of the glass of OJ in the morning, eat an orange or grapefruit. You will get the sweet and the fiber. Buy plain yogurt and add fresh fruit. Eat a burger without the bun, etc... Read labels. Even marinara sauces like Prego are full of sugar!

There is a lot more that can be done to change your diet. Click here for 10 Steps to a Healthier YOU.

Maybe we can get to a place where sugar can be in it’s rightful place, a place where it is eaten rarely, as the treat it is meant to be.